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Good Governance: Policies & Practice Webinar Series

Good Governance: Policies & Practice Webinar Series

S.No. Webinar Sessions Date Watch
1. 1st Webinar in collaboration with IIM Lucknow Session 1: How Health beliefs shape Education-Healthcare relationships by Prof. Kshitij Awasthi
Session 2: Data Governance by Prof. V S Prakash Attili
20-09-2024 Click Here
2. 2nd Webinar in collaboration with IIT Kanpur Session 1: Evolving Landscape of Public Policy in India by Dr. Ajay Kumar
Session 2: Platform Business Model & their regulation in Digital Economy by Prof. Vimal Kumar
24-10-2024 Click Here
3. 3rd Webinar in collaboration with IIM Sirmaur Session 1: Rationality of the Terrorist Group and Government’s Policy: A Game Theoretic Approach by Prof. Aishwarya Harichandan  
Session 2: Public Issue Management in Infrastructure Mega-projects- The Case of the Bangalore Airport by Dr. Kalpana Gopalan
21-11-2024 Click Here
4. 4th Webinar in collaboration with Mizoram Central University Session 1: Principles and Practices of Good Governance: Instances from India’s North East by Prof. Srinibas Pathi
Session 2: Good Governance Initiatives in India: Cornerstone to Development by Dr. T. Sadashivam
13-12-2024 Click Here
5. 5th Webinar in collaboration with IIM Tiruchirappalli Session 1: India coped with the shocks of COVID-19 through reverse migration by Prof. Saumen Majumdar
Session 2: Urban Governance policies to support migrants by Shri Shailesh K Pathak
24-01-2025 Click Here
6 6th Webinar in collaboration with IIM Kashipur Session 1: Climate Change, Rainfall Variations and Challenges to Food Production by Dr. Atulan Guha
Session 2: Digital Transformation in Governance by Dr. Harish Kumar
25-02-2025 -
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