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About us

About us

About the Institute

The National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) was set up in 2014 by the Government of India as an apex–level autonomous institution under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.

NCGG deals with a gamut of governance issues from local, state to national levels, across all sectors. The Centre is mandated to work in the areas of governance, policy reforms, capacity building and training of civil servants and technocrats of India and other developing countries. It also works as a think tank.

Since its inception, the Centre has been extensively working in areas such as primary and elementary education, decentralized planning at district and block levels, capacity building of Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs), participatory models of learning and action, rural development, cooperatives, and public sector management, etc. In addition, it focuses on issues related to good governance, social accountability, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), among other sectors.

The Centre encapsulates the essence of good governance and weighs on the importance of the rule of law, bringing in transparency, working to promote public participation in governance, service delivery and reforms, as well as in developing accountable institutions, access to information, etc.

Aims & Objectives

  • To be a think tank for governance and policy reforms, cutting across administrative, social, economic, and financial spheres;
  • To function as a national repository of information on best practices, initiatives and methodologies that promote good governance, e-governance, innovation and change management within the government and its parastatal organizations;
  • To initiate and participate in action research and capacity-building on various aspects of regulatory and development administration, public policy, governance, and public management at the national, state, and local levels;
  • To engage in provision of consultancy services in and outside the country;
  • To advise on key issues in governance and develop synergy across various ministries/ departments of the Government of India and various state governments;
  • To promote sharing and replication of innovative ideas and best practices in governance;
  • To interact with national and international organizations, in and outside the government, engaged in research and capacity building in these spheres;
  • To raise resources in support of the activities of 'the society' and maintain and manage a fund to which shall be credited:
    1. All moneys provided by the Central and State Governments;
    2. All fees and other charges received by the Society;
    3. All moneys received by the Society by way of loans, grants, consultancy fees, gifts, donations, bequests or transfers; and
    4. All moneys received by the Society in any other manner or from any other source.
  • Any other work to be entrusted by the Government.
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