About NCGG Internship Programme
The NCGG Internship Programme is a short-term engagement (minimum 8 weeks to maximum 6 months) of ‘selected students’ with various verticals and units of the National Centre for Good Governance, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Government of India. The engagement is purely temporary to enable Indian youth by providing them exposure to a gamut of governance and public policy related issues and involving them in possible way ahead to overcome challenges in the way of citizen-centric governance. Admission to internship programme does not give any right to interns to seek regular employment with the Centre. Interns may be assigned a specific domain/ area to work on.
To advance academic research and functioning of NCGG by engaging with young talents of the country and honing their knowledge, skills and theoretical education with practical approaches. This programme intends to provide exposure to the public policy and governance related issues to students for mutual benefit.
Who can apply
Prospective candidate for the internship shall have to meet following eligibility criteria:
- Internship programme is open for all Indian students studying in India or abroad.
- Internship is open to students pursuing Post Graduation in Public Administration/ Political Science/ Public Policy.
- The age of the candidate shall not exceed 30 years at the time of application.
- Applicant has to upload a letter of recommendation from their university/ institution, where he/ she is enrolled.
Ordinarily the period of internship will not be less than 8 (eight) weeks or exceed 6 (six) months for successful completion of internship and to become eligible for experience certificate.
Domains/ areas available for Internship
- Public policy & governance
- Education
- Decentralized planning
- E-governance
- Public service delivery
- Laws & regulations
- Rural development & poverty elimination
- Water, sanitation, hygiene & public health
- Governance in healthcare
- Sustainability
- Disaster resilience infrastructure and disaster mitigation
- Sustainable urban management and urban governance
- Infrastructure Development
- Innovation & entrepreneurship
- Water resource management & river rejuvenation
- Climate change, environment & clean energy
- Tribal affairs
- Monitoring, data analytics & evaluation
- Project planning, designing, management & monitoring
- Natural resource, environment and Forests
- Mass communication and social media
- Any other subject relevant to public policy, good governance, public service delivery, etc.
Selection process
- The application for internship will be invited by the Centre through on its website www.ncgg.org.in
- Applicants must furnish all required information to enable the Centre to make a decision. The Centre will verify such information like original marksheets, letter of approval/ recommendation, personal ID at the time of joining, failing to which the applicant’s joining shall be cancelled. Submission of false information will be viewed very seriously;
- The applications with incomplete information or not meeting eligibility conditions shall be disqualified by the system automatically;
- The selection process shall consist of two stages; preliminary screening of applications for shortlisting of candidates and personal interview (online or offline) of shortlisted candidates. NCGG will constitute a committee for screening of applications and/ or holding personal interview;
- Based on the number of applications, required intake of the Centre for the respective month and domains/areas selected by the candidates, the personal interview shall be conducted with prior information communicated to candidate via email;
- After screening process and personal interview, a list of selected candidates shall be declared and successful candidates will be informed via email along with notification on joining date;
- The total number of internships offered shall not exceed 20 (twenty) at any given point in time; and
- The internship applications may be reviewed based on NCGG’s requirement periodically by a screening committee.
Logistics and Support
Interns will be required to make own arrangements for their travel, boarding, lodging, etc. and should have their own laptops. NCGG will provide working space, internet facility and other necessities as deemed fit by the concerned supervisor.
A consolidated stipend/honorarium @ INR 10,000 per month on pro-rata basis will be paid to each intern during their approved period of internship based on progress in the assignment. No other expenses shall be payable.
Obligations and attendance
The interns shall be integrated with the daily workings of the Centre with an induction programme. Every intern shall be assigned a supervisor from their vertical for assignments, monitoring and evaluation of work. The work may include conducting secondary research, writing reports, analysing evolving developments, data analytics, communication and event management or carrying out any other task entrusted to interns by their supervisors. Each intern should have a minimum of 80% attendance in the entire duration of internship, failing which experience certificate will not be issued. The attendance record and the details of work supervision shall be maintained regularly and their approval is pertinent for eligibility to receive honorarium. Only in exceptional cases and on cogent grounds, extension in internship duration may be considered by the Centre. Each intern shall maintain good conduct at all times during internship period and shall not disclose any confidential information of the Centre in his/her possession to an outsider.
At the end of the internship, each intern has to submit a report and also make a presentation to the evaluation committee to certify that the candidate has successfully completed the internship and based on the recommendations of the committee, the ‘certification of successful completion of internship’ will be issued. NCGG will have the right to utilize the report and it will also be shared with the sponsoring institution.
Experience Certificate
A certificate regarding successful completion of internship shall be issued by the Centre on the recommendation of the evaluation committee and supervisor of the intern.
Termination of Internship
The selection to the internship programme at NCGG is strictly within the domain of the Centre and only upon meeting the necessary eligibility criteria mentioned in this document. The Centre may terminate the internship of any intern at any point as it deems fit, without assigning any reason and the decision of the Centre in this regard shall be final. Any intern may choose to terminate the internship by giving a prior notice of one week to the respective supervisor.
The Internship Portal will be reponed for the Summer Internship Programme. For further updates, candidates may check the Website.