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S.No Name of document Date Download Image
61 22nd NGGWS Report 22_Webinar_Proceeding_Report.pdf (22.27 MB)
62 Advertisement for 5 Professor of Practice Advertisement_for_5_Professor_of_Practice.pdf (229.03 KB)
63 Special Campaign 4.0 for Institutionalising Swachhata and Reducing Pendency in Government by Shri V.… Special_Campaign_4_0_for_Institutionalising_Swachhata_by_V_Srinivas.pdf (497 KB)
64 NCGG's PPT dated 23rd September 2024 NCGG_PPT_v_1_8.pdf (5.7 MB)
65 21st NGGWS Report 21_NGGWS.pdf (4.2 MB)
66 ‘Government of India’s e-Learning Platforms: A Study of Online Resources for Competitive Exams’ by H… Harshit.pdf (2.78 MB)
67 ‘Strengthening of Local Governance for Cyclone Disaster Management : A case study of Puducherry Dist… Sethuram.pdf (2.44 MB)
68 ‘An Analysis of Environmental Disclosure and Emission Reporting by Indian Companies’ by Vinayak Gupt… Vinayak.pdf (2.83 MB)
69 ‘Analysis of Mass Health Insurance Scheme Concerning Ayushman Bharat’s- Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yo… Aashi_Tyagi.pdf (1.23 MB)
70 ‘Assessment of the Public Health Implications of Climate Change: A Retrospective Study of Dengue in… Akankshya_Swain.pdf (3.34 MB)
71 ‘Digital Technology Adoption among Farm Households in Hiware Bazaar, Maharashtra: Preferences, Chall… Mangesh_Jadhav.pdf (2.65 MB)
72 ‘Primary Healthcare Delivery, Accessibility and Utilization in North-West, Delhi’ by Garima Garima.pdf (1.19 MB)
73 ‘Analysing the Role of Social Media Campaigns to Educate the Public and Combat Misinformation regard… Muskan_Manvar.pdf (595.63 KB)
74 ‘e-Governance in tertiary healthcare service delivery: A Delhi based study’ by Shruti Agarwal Shruti_Aggarwal.pdf (2.35 MB)
75 ‘Understanding the Impact of Urbanization on the Water Crisis in Bangalore: Challenges and Opportuni… Bhoomika.pdf (2.18 MB)
76 ‘Reinventing Public Service Delivery: A case of Delhi’ by Ishmeet Singh Ishmeet_Singh.pdf (2.89 MB)
77 ‘An Assessment of Effectiveness of Aadhar Enabled Public Distribution System (AEPDS) in Forbesganj B… Aditya_Jha.pdf (1015.9 KB)
78 ‘Localisation of SDGs, PRIs, and Good Governance: Analytical Study’ by Ankita Ankita.pdf (1.93 MB)
79 ‘Digital Currency Transition in India: Prospects, Difficulties, and Consequences’ by Deepanjali Kuma… Deepanjali_Kumari.pdf (1.09 MB)
80 ‘Investigating the Influence of Governance Quality, Financial Performance, and Policy Frameworks on… Ishan_Sarraf_0.pdf (988.11 KB)
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